KS2 pupils study English, Maths, ICT, Science, Geography, History, Art, PHSE, Drama, P.E. Design & Technology and Spanish following the National Curriculum tailored to meet each pupil’s needs. ). Each half term, students focus on a different theme which allows them to complete cross-curriculum activities, enforcing their learning and allowing them to make meaningful links between the subjects studied. Assessment is through B Squared which tracks and monitors individual pupil attainment and progress and provides further advice on the next steps to ensure continuity within the curriculum. In order to triangulate the data / teacher assessments the NGRT (New Group Reading Test), NGST (New Group Spelling test) and PTM (Progress Test in Maths), which are online standardised tests, are used to baseline and monitor progress in Reading, Spelling and Maths. Due to the transient nature of some of the pupils, only medium term plans are drawn up following a baseline assessment on entry.
KS3 pupils work towards Functional skills qualifications in English, Maths and ICT. They also study Science, Geography, History, Art, Citizenship, PHSE, Drama, P.E. following the National Curriculum tailored to meet each pupil’s needs. They work towards ASDAN Careers and Year 8 and 9 work towards ASDAN PHSE. Each half term, students focus on a different theme which allows them to complete cross-curriculum activities, enforcing their learning and allowing them to make meaningful links between the subjects studied. Assessment is through B Squared which tracks and monitors individual pupil attainment and progress and provides further advice on the next steps to ensure continuity within the curriculum.In order to triangulate the data / teacher assessments the NGRT (New Group Reading Test), NGST (New Group Spelling test) and PTM (Progress Test in Maths), which are online standardised tests, are used to baseline and monitor progress in Reading, Spelling and Maths Initial and Diagnostic online tests are also used for the Functional skills subjects (through BKSB). Due to the transient nature of some of the pupils, only medium term plans are drawn up following a baseline assessment on entry.
Key Stage 4 and Post 16 pupils follow a schedule of Foundation Learning. This ensures that all of our learners are working towards nationally recognised qualifications or developing their skills and knowledge in three areas; Functional Skills, IGCSEs, Vocational Learning and Personal and Social Development. For Functional skills, learners are assessed and then work towards appropriate levels in maths, English and ICT. Learners who become/ or are already acreditided with a Level 2 in Functional Skills, then study for a GCSE in the given subject. For vocational learning subjects, learner’s programmes can be individualised to suit their own interests. This may mean that learning takes place off-site at various alternative provisions which are quality approved by ourselves. For personal and social development, learners will be assessed via our Well-being measure and then given appropriate educational learning experiences that assist their individual needs. The progress a learner makes in all three elements of foundation learning is recorded on tracking and monitoring documents.
Students who due to their complex needs cannot access the curriculum are offered a semi-formal curriculum which focuses on Life skills. They work towards the ASDAN Transition Challenge, ASDAN Towards Independence and ASDAN Life skills (modules cover Employment, Community and Inclusion, Good Health and Independent Living skills). If appropriate, they may also study towards Functionals skills English, Maths and ICT.
The school offers Animal Therapy, Lego Therapy, Speech and Language therapy, and Emotional and Social skills Interventions. Either of these may take place offsite, and after an initial assessment.
Formal curriculum activities are frequently enriched by the inclusion of life skills experiences such as shopping in the local stores, educational visits (museums, theatre e.t.c.) or trips to the caravan park to help generalise learning and promote their SMSC development.