Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA)

LPPA Parent Engagement at Parkview Academy ALP Welling

This academic year, Parkview Academy is working towards a Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA). 


  • To improve communication between the school and families
  • To offer a wider range of opportunities for parents/carers to develop their understanding of strategies to support their children’s learning
  • To offer families a wider range of opportunities to come together as a school community to celebrate events and successes
  • To develop a two-way communication approach to school improvement, offering families more opportunities to have a say in school matters
  • To further strengthen links between governors, leadership, school staff, families and students 
  • To enable all families to attend school events

What we have achieved to date

  • Surveyed families to determine the strategic direction of school improvement for students and their parents/carers
  • Responded to families on the outcomes from the surveys and the school’s next steps
  • Organised/delivered Parent Workshops on Phonics, Safeguarding, Mental Health and Healthy Eating
  • Organised/delivered additional events in school to celebrate the school community (World Book Day, Art Exhibition, Families Picnic)
  • Consulted on and updated the Home/School Communication Policy (available on the school website)
  • Consulted on and updated the schools’ Behaviour Policy  (available on the school website)
  • Regularly meeting with school staff to ensure that all members of staff are committed to improving engagement with families
  • Increased contact with families regarding their children’s successes

Next Steps

  • Continue to gather feedback from families to ensure that we work together as a school community to strengthen parent partnership
  • Continue to communicate with families, governors, staff and students regarding progress towards our LPPA targets
  • To develop a wider range of parent workshops to support the learning of parents and students
  • To continue to celebrate school wide events as a whole school community
  • To consult parents on upcoming policy changes
  • To organise events at times and locations that are accessible to the broadest range of families
  • To continue to celebrate the successes of individual students and class groups via email, parentmail, school website and social media platforms
  • To ensure that class and curriculum information is readily available to families in a timely manner

Families are welcomed to offer feedback to the school regarding the LPPA process, aims and next steps. Please contact the school administrator via email or telephone to offer your comments or suggestions:

Julie Nunn (School Administrator) – julie.nunn@alpschools.org


Many Thanks,

LPPA Working Group

Emma Chatzispyridou– Headteacher 

Julie Woodcock– Assistant Headteacher- Safeguarding

Jonty Emmerson– Assistant Headteacher- Curriculum 

Richard Johnson– Executive Headteacher

Dear Families,

As we approach the end of our award period for the LPPA (Leading Parent Partnership Award), we would like to share some feedback with you. This feedback relates to how the school supports transitions, including how we support transitions between classes and key stages and how we support students who leave the school within the school year. Below you will see some comments from parents and carers whose children have recently left Parkview Academy and have moved on to new destinations. Please respond with any additional feedback that you would like to offer regarding how we support families with transitions. Your feedback is always welcomed via julie.nunn@alpschools.org or 020 3137 3629

We asked: What did you (and/or your child) enjoy during your time at the school?

You said: The way he was supported communicated and he grew throughout and was very happy and supported by Julie and staff

You said: Absolutely everything the school has taught me so much when I thought I was a failure

You said: How relaxed and easy. Felt like I could learn stuff and be myself

We did: Continued in our commitment to ensure that students and families have a positive experience at Parkview Academy

We asked: How has Parkview Academy prepared you for the future?

You said: To see in what my son is capable of

You said: It stopped me from going down a very very dark path

You said: They supported me with my choices for college

We did: Ensured that all school staff are knowledgeable about careers and how to signpost families to relevant support. 

We did: Continue to conduct careers meetings with our Careers Advisor

We did: Provide continued work experience for students

We did: Organise careers talks and assemblies

We asked: How could Parkview Academy improve?

You said: None, it’s outstanding

You said: Maybe provide homework

You said: They need to update their students and prepare them for what is about to happen and the change that is coming

We did: Establish an initial system for half-termly homework packs with plans to develop this further next academic year 

We did: Ensure that all students have an additional session with our careers advisor four weeks before they leave the school

We asked: Would you like to make any other comments?

You said: Just outstanding and makes my son happy 

You said: I had many amazing years with park view and I believe when I started I was an unruly child but over the time with help and guidance they made me into the man I am today and I thank them greatly

We did: Continued to ensure that we support our families and students to the best of our ability.
