Policies & Procedures

Below are a selection of downloads that provide information about Parkview Academy.

You will need Adobe Reader to be able to open most of the files below. If you require any more information about our services please contact us here.


Access Statement

Accessibility Plan

Admissions Policy

Anti-Bullying Procedure

Assessment Policy

Attendance Policy

Behaviour Management Policy

Careers Guidance Policy

Complaints policy

Control of Infections Policy

Counselling and Wellbeing Policy for Learners

Curriculum Policy

Data Breach Policy

Data Protection Policy

Drugs and Drug Education Policy

Educational Visits Policy

English as an Additional Language Policy

Equalities Policy

Exams and Appeals Policy

Fire Safety Management Policy

First Aid and Medicine Policy

Food Policy

Gifts and Hospitality Policy

Health & Safety Policy

Home School Agreement

Intimate Care Policy

Managing Contractors Policy

Managing Physical Interventions

Health & Safety Policy

Missing Child Policy

Online Safety Policy

Parent Partnership Policy

Pupil Premium Plus Policy

PSHE policy

Remote Learning Policy

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

SEN Policy

SEMH Policy

Student dress code Policy

Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions policy

Suicide Prevention Policy

Transition Policy

Transition Policy Timeline Plan

Visiting Speakers Policy

Wellbeing Policy

Whistleblowing Policy

Work Experience Policy
